Civic Centre Visit
Year 7 visited the Civic Centre in Pershore, home of Wychavon District Council, as part of their careers curriculum. They spent the afternoon sitting in the council chambers and found out about many of the different jobs undertaken there and what qualifications and experiences those people had. They even got a goody bag!

Transition Day
Pupils in Year 6 on transition day researching the jobs they are aspiring to ready for the Careers work they will undertake next year.

Learn to Earn
Pupils in Year 7 had a fantastic day with the staff from “Learn to Earn” finding out about budgeting a household, jobs for the future, wages before and after tax, and they even interviewed each other. Those being interviewed found it an intense experience. This is a photo of them reviewing their day and processing all they had learned.

Year 7 Enterprise
Pupils in Year 7 were given the challenge to use their entrepreneurial skills to raise money towards their Leavers’ Party.
Each team was given £5 for materials and ingredients.
Year 7 made over £200!