Bumble Bees – Our Pre-School Class for 2-3 year olds

In Bumble Bees we aim to provide the very best start in your child’s educational journey. Our Preschool Leader, Sue Jennings and the team are particularly experienced in also supporting families in many ways with links to Health Visitors, Worcestershire Speech and Language Support and a range of professionals available to support our families. Sue is also our Special Education Needs Co-ordinator for Bumble Bees and Squirrels – closely supported by our Federation SENDco, Sati Witts.
We aim to support your two year old child in beginning to discover their potential and flourish into confident individuals ready to succeed in our Squirrels Class.
Our focus within the Early Year’s Foundation Stage is on the prime areas of development – Communication, Personal, Social, Emotional skills and Physical Development. Some of the activities we enjoy include:
Outdoor learning in Forest School ~ Music, song + dance ~ Stories and rhymes ~ Baking ~ Sensory Exploration ~ Big Car Fun ~ Introduction to Phonic Fun ~ Garden Centre Visits ~ Art ~ Small World Play ~ Exploring our exciting outdoor area ~ Using our Early Years dedicated climbing play equipment
We do this through an enabling environment with experienced caring staff, teaching children to make friends, be inquisitive, explore, laugh, have fun and make memories.
Engage me,
Inspire me,
Teach me what to do.
Imagine with me,
Have fun with me,
Teach me something new.
Challenge me,
Trust me,
Give me time to play.
Empower me,
Cuddle me,
Make me smile all day.

Would you like to enquire about a place for your child?
You can find our Enquiry Form here and details about admissions and costs here.
Sessions run at these times during term time:
Monday – Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) | Morning Session 9am – noon | Afternoon Session 12 – 3pm |
We are a provider of Government funded early year’s education entitlement and offer both the universal 15 hours and extended 30 hours entitlement to all eligible 3 and 4 year olds. 2 year old funding can also be claimed for eligible families.