At Abbey Park Federation our intent is to equip our pupils with the skills to use ICT safely, confidently and effectively. Our curriculum is designed around the four key areas laid out in the National Curriculum; computer science, information technology, digital literacy and online safety. Our key aim is that our curriculum will prepare our pupils for life in an increasingly digital British society.
Computing is a significant part of everyone’s daily life and we want our children to be at the forefront of new technology, with a thirst for learning what is out there. Through the study of Computing, our children will develop a wide range of fundamental skills, knowledge and understanding that will equip them for the rest of their life, making them adept, responsible and safe users of technology
- Teaching and Learning will facilitate progression across all key stages- EYFS, KS1, KS2 and KS3- following our Abbey Park Fedaration progression of skills in line with National Curriculum requirements.
- Children will have access to hardware including; desktop computers, laptop computers, tablets, IPads, programmable equipment, digital cameras, video recorders and Beebots.
- Wider curriculum opportunities will be planned in and offered in subjects across the curriculum.
- The importance of staying safe online will be taught through lessons in computing and PSHE.
- Safer Internet Day and other online safety assemblies raise awareness about the possible dangers of using the internet and mobile technologies, and advise on ways in which to reduce risk.
- Our computing curriculum is designed to stimulate and engage learners to have a love of the subject.
- Children will be confident users of technology both in school and at home.
- Pupils will possess the skills to use information technology safely and effectively.
- Pupils have the skills to use technology independently, for example accessing age-appropriate software and games in EYFS and using a range of computer software independently in KS1 and KS2.
- Pupils work will be assessed summatively and verbal feedback will be given to pupils.
- Pupils work from Year 2 upwards will be saved into individual work areas and end of unit evaluation forms will be completed by the older pupils.
- Pupils will be interviewed about their learning through use of online questionnaires (pupil voice).
- Through discussion and feedback, children talk enthusiastically about their computing lessons and speak about how they love learning on the computer. Children across the Federation articulate well about the potential risks of being online, and talk about ways to keep safe.