Abbey Park Schools Federation

Welcome back Year 6!

We hope you have had a fantastic summer break and you are ready for the new academic year.

We would like to introduce all of you to Miss Smith who is joining the Year 6 team to work alongside Mr Martin and Miss Weatherup this year.

We are sure we will have a fantastic year full of fun, excitement and most importantly learning.

Remember, if you have any questions, you can always contact Mr Martin using his school email address

Let’s do this! 😊


We had a great time at the STEM workshop. Congratulations to the winners Ted and Phoenix! 

Year 6 have been making and erupting volcanoes!

We had great fun doing Boogie Bounce!

Year 6 have been learning First Aid! 

In Year 6 gymnastics we have started to introduce equipment.

A huge congratulations to Summer who came runner-up in the Mayor’s Christmas Card Competition. She will be helping the Mayor turn on the Pershore Christmas lights on Friday 25th November.

Look at our beautiful handwriting!

We have just finished out Groovy Greeks topic. Look how much we have learnt!

In music, we have been working as a class to make a 10-bar, 5-beat composition.

The middle school pupils were extremely lucky to be invited to the Abbey for an organ festival to celebrate the completion of the Abbey organ building.

The children had the pleasure of listening to Nicholas Freestone, the Assistant organist from Worcester Cathedral.

He talked to the children about how the organ worked, and how many pipes there were, and played them a variety of pieces of music including a film-themed tune medley.

Year 6 has had a very sporty start to the year. They have been playing football, and netball and working on their fitness. Long may it continue!

Welcome Back Year 6! Mr Martin and Mrs Deakin have really enjoyed their first week of working with you and look forward to the year ahead!

Hello, Year 6 and welcome back!

In science this year we will be learning about Animals, Light, Electricity, Magnets, Living things and Evolution.  You will be developing your practical skills and carrying out lots of fun scientific investigations! We will also be taking our learning outdoors and learning about the some of the animals and plants around us. I am really looking forward to teaching you all again this year! Mrs Griffiths.