Abbey Park Schools Federation

Last half term Year 7 were researching masks and their uses around the world. 

Inspired by A Midsummer Night’s Dream that they are working on in English, they designed a mask to match one of the characters. 

They used papier-mâché applied over 2 weeks and then painted them. 

Year 7 have been designing and making their own cushions using both hand sewing and the sewing machines.

These are the finished products:

Year 7 practicing their vaulting in PE. Many had never been able to get over before but by the end of the lesson, the whole class were successful vaulters, both with and without the aid of the springboard.

The Year 7’s have been investigating buildings, how to draw them and the work of the artist and architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser.

They visited the Abbey this week to draw it and are going to then redraw it and colour their interpretation of the Abbey in his style.

The middle school pupils were extremely lucky to be invited to the Abbey for an organ festival to celebrate the completion of the Abbey organ building.

The children had the pleasure of listening to Nicholas Freestone, the Assistant organist from Worcester Cathedral.

He talked to the children about how the organ worked, and how many pipes there were, and played them a variety of pieces of music including a film theme tune medley.

Hello, Year 7 and welcome back!

In science this year we will be learning about Cells, Particles, Forces, Reproduction, Sound, Light, Atoms, Elements and Compounds and Chemical Reactions.  You will be developing your practical skills and carrying out lots of fun scientific investigations! You will also be leading a British Science Week Project and  I am really looking forward to teaching you all again this year! Mrs Griffiths.