Abbey Park Schools Federation

Our Amazing Work!

Lumi Nova: Help your child build confidence and self manage worries with a fun mobile game.

Happy New Year!

To start the new term and topic we had two intrepid explorers visit Year 5 – Amelia Earhart and Ernest Shackleton.

They answered questions and gave some facts to the inquisitive children. The children then got to practice some orienteering and country recognition skills by playing an ‘Around the World’ game.

We had great fun!

Year 5 enjoyed their WW2 day, baking, constructing Anderson shelters, creating propaganda posters and exploring aircraft from the 1940s. They particularly enjoyed the chance to dress up again as WW2 evacuees.

Year 5 had a wonderful visit to Bewdley Museum to consolidate and build on their learning about World War II. We learnt lots of new facts and were able to look at a range of artefacts. It was interesting being able to look at so many items from the time which were actually used during the war. Being able to visit a real air raid shelter, which would have sheltered real people during The Blitz, has helped with our understanding of what it would have been like. Most children enjoyed dressing up as evacuees, whilst thinking about what it would have been like to have been evacuated during the war.

Year 5 have been exploring texture in Art using poppies as a stimulus. They explored sketching texture, using watercolours with various thickness and collage. 

Year 5 carried out some fieldwork exploring the physical features of our local river Avon. We were able to measure the flow of the river, identify erosion, where the river meanders and an oxbow lake.

Year 5 have been exploring the work of David Hockney and recreating landscapes using watercolours, pastels and collage.

Hello, Year 5 and welcome to Abbey Park Middle School. We hope you have had an enjoyable break and are ready for the term ahead.

We are going to have a fantastic year together, learning and finding out lots of new things. Working in the Year 5 team this year will be Miss Thompson, Mrs Hollis, Mrs Martin, Mr Perry, Mrs Bunch, Miss Lawe and Mrs Barker.


The whole federation were lucky enough to be involved in a ‘Thrills Day’ where they got to try out lots of different activities and push themselves to the limit.

We all loved the day especially the climbing wall!

As promised here are some examples of our finished moon buggies. We certainly found this task challenging but very rewarding once we saw our buggies zoom down the corridor!

As part of our topic ‘Explorers and Adventurers’ we have started to make a moon buggy in D&T.

We have been using saws, glue guns and have created circuits to make a motor run.

We will post some photos of our finished designs.

Welcome back and Happy New Year to you all.

Our new topic is Explorers and Adventurers.

We were lucky enough to receive a visit from an intrepid explorer who talked to the class about her adventures and vital equipment needed for any journey.

The class then went on an ‘Around the World’ trip by playing an orienteering game – so much fun!

As part of our Blitz topic we have continued to look at shelters in our D&T lessons.

We carried out some experiments this week on the waterproofness and strength of different materials to see which would make the best shelter.

As part of our Blitz topic, we have started to investigate Shelters in our D&T lessons. We looked at different materials and components as well as how to join and strengthen different materials and shapes.

We worked in groups to try to create a strong shelter.

This week we have started our new topic: Blitz!

We have looked at World War Two artefacts including ration books, gas masks and helmets. We have watched the film Carrie’s War about evacuees and we have made mixed media poppies in our art lesson.

We are looking forward to learning more about the war.

The middle school pupils were extremely lucky to be invited to the Abbey for an organ festival to celebrate the completion of the Abbey organ building.

The children had the pleasure of listening to Nicholas Freestone, the Assistant organist from Worcester Cathedral.

He talked to the children about how the organ worked, and how many pipes there were, and played them a variety of pieces of music including a film theme tune medley.

This week I wanted to share just how proud I am of all the children in their progress with swimming.

We have a wide range of swimming abilities and we are already looking at moving children up the groups.

Well done 5LT – so proud!

To support our current topic of Water, Water Everywhere! the Year 5’s have been studying David Hockney in their art lessons. We have been looking at his paintings of water – in particular ‘A Bigger Splash’.

We had a go at recreating this picture using collage and paint – I’m sure you’ll agree they look fabulous!

In our topic lessons this week we have been familiarising ourselves with OS maps and the symbols on the maps.

We have looked at Pershore and the surrounding areas and challenged ourselves to find out lots of information about our local area just by looking at the maps.

We found it difficult but fun!

We are currently reading Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. The main character has just fallen off his boat into the sea and has been washed up on to the shore of an island.

We have been discussing what he will need to survive – with the main item being water.

We built our own solar water still to see how someone on a tropical island could collect safe drinking water.

All we need now is the sun to make it work!

Welcome back Year 5!

We hope you all had a lovely summer break and are ready for your new start in year five and Abbey Park Middle School.

We have some exciting topics and lessons prepared for you over the next year, starting with our first topic: Water, Water Everywhere!

Key information:

  • PE/Games days are Thursday and Friday – please send your children in wearing their PE kit
  • We will be starting swimming for the Year 5’s on Friday 29th September – more information will be sent to you closer to the time
  • Reading records will be introduced soon – please read with your children as often as you can.

We look forward to meeting all the parents/carers at our parents’ evening.

Happy Autumn Term One!

Miss Thompson (Class Teacher)
Mrs Barker (Teaching Assistant)
Mr Perry (Teaching Assistant)