Abbey Park Schools Federation

Owls (Reception)

Top Tips for Reading at Home

Phonics in Reception – Phonics Workshop Resources

Our Amazing Work!

After their visit, the vets wrote back to school to say:

Good Afternoon Miss Davies, 

We just wanted to say how lovely your class were, all the children were so welcoming and all very polite. They seemed to all enjoy themselves.

We thoroughly enjoyed our visit today, it’s always a pleasure to visit your school. Thank you for having us!

Autumn 1 – In my Imagination

Welcome to Reception!

We hope you have had a lovely summer and are ready to begin a new chapter. This term we will be learning all about our own interests. This topic is a child lead topic where we explore the children’s interests. Popular interests in previous years have included dinosaurs, unicorns, rainbows, trains, trucks and cars.

Key days of the week:

Forest School – Wednesdays

Children will need long sleeved tops, jogging bottoms, wellingtons and a warm coat. These will need to be kept in school during each half term.

PE – Thursdays

T-shirt, shorts and pumps. These will need to be kept in school during each half term.

We will regularly up date the school website with photos of the children’s learning journey.
