Abbey Park Schools Federation

Owls (Reception)

Top Tips for Reading at Home

Phonics in Reception – Phonics Workshop Resources

Our Amazing Work!

Autumn 1 – In my Imagination

Welcome to Reception!

We hope you have had a lovely summer and are ready to begin a new chapter. This term we will be learning all about our own interests. This topic is a child lead topic where we explore the children’s interests. Popular interests in previous years have included dinosaurs, unicorns, rainbows, trains, trucks and cars.

Key days of the week:

Forest School – Wednesdays

Children will need long sleeved tops, jogging bottoms, wellingtons and a warm coat. These will need to be kept in school during each half term.

PE – Thursdays

T-shirt, shorts and pumps. These will need to be kept in school during each half term.

We will regularly up date the school website with photos of the children’s learning journey.
