Abbey Park Schools Federation

Foxes (Year 3)

Our Amazing Work!

In Geography, Y3 have been using atlases to locate different hills, mountains and rivers in the UK. They did a great job and worked so hard! 

Welcome to Foxes class!

We are looking forward to welcoming you back to school and into Y3! Miss Hughes and Mrs Reynolds will be teaching you this year.

A few reminders…

PE days are Monday and Friday (please come to school wearing your PE kit)

Please label jumpers, coats, bottles, etc.

Lets have a great year!


Foxes class loved ‘Thrills Day’. We showed lots of resilience and had so much fun! 

Foxes had a great time dressing up as rockstars for TTRS day! Rock on!

Foxes enjoyed using their sewing skills. We created a money holder using a running stitch. Super effort, Year 3!

Year 3 loved Boogie Bounce!! We had so much fun exercising in the sun! 

Year 3 have begun learning about making stop motion animation in the computing lessons.

Y3 had a DT day this week. We created a locomotive with axels, wheels and a brake. We then went outside to test them out. This task required teamwork, good listening, and hard work. Well done, Foxes!

Karen from Litter Warriors came to visit Y3 on Tuesday. We learnt so much from her! We even got to do some litter picking around the school grounds. We collected SO much litter – we even found a crisp packet from 1992!  

Y3 had a great morning at Envirosort. We learnt so much about waste, what we can and can’t recycling and even a true story about a 10ft snake in a recycling bin!! The best part was visiting the factory and seeing all the recycling being sorted. We are eco heroes! 

We had a DT day in Y3! We worked as a team to design, make and evaluate a strong and stable structure. We even had a go at creating an electrical circuit. Great teamwork, Foxes!

Our new topic in science is ‘rocks and fossils’. We have been exploring the three different types of rocks – sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous. We showed how the different rocks are formed by performing an experiment with starburst!

We then looked at different rocks and sorted them into groups. We used some great vocabulary – heaviest, smoothest, roughest, longest, etc.

Y3 have been looking at land use in Geography. We went on a walk around our local area spotting all the different types of land use.

In Geography we have been using atlases to locate different mountains and hills in the United Kingdom. Miss Hughes was super impressed with our fantastic map skills!

During their English lessons, Y3 have been learning how to improve their vocabulary choices. We have been learning how to use adjectives, adverbs and expanded noun phrases accurately. We have also been learning about synonyms! Look at our wonderful work.

Year 3 Love reading!

We have been visiting our wonderful school library at least twice a week to have a look at all of the brilliant books there.

We have shared books as a class, in groups and also with our friends.

Year 3 has looked at fiction and non-fiction books and has chosen some to take home and share with our families!