On Friday 28th June we held our annual summer fair!
It was a great success and everyone had lots of fun, most of all Mr Henry!
Lots of families came and enjoyed our event with stalls, inflatables, food trucks and face painting!
A huge thank you to everyone who supported us and everyone who volunteered to help too!
The PTFA are working hard to improve our outdoor areas. Recently they have been working with some fantastic volunteers at our forest school club to transform our forest school areas, with more improvements still to come. They have also bought plants for the planters around the first school playground, and, very excitingly, they have arranged for a beautiful new artwork on the side of the garage at first school. Painted by Mr Sce, it incorporates all the animals our classes are named after. Find out more on the PTFA page.
We are thrilled to confirm that Miss Scully was awarded ‘Headteacher of the Year 2023’ at the Worcestershire Education Awards that took place last night at The Abbey Hotel, in Malvern.
We are so proud of her achievement and feel this confirms her outstanding support and commitment to our pupils and families at Abbey Park Schools Federation.
Well done Miss Scully, you are the best!
A message from the Executive Headteacher
Abbey Park Federation of schools caters for children aged 2 to the end of year 7 (age 12). We do this across our pre – school, nursery, first school and middle school. We have a spacious site opposite the Abbey in the beautiful town of Pershore.
Children across the Federation are taught by inspirational, passionate staff that are relentless in their drive to ensure children make progress and are happy in their learning. All children are appropriately challenged at their level and experience a rich, varied curriculum with many enrichment and extracurricular activities.
Children in the first and nursery school are class based and taught through an exciting topic led curriculum. Children join the middle school at the beginning of year 5. Children in years 5 and 6 spend approximately half their school day with their class teacher and the rest with specialist staff. Children in year 7 are taught in a secondary style.
Children across the Federation benefit from specialist areas such as the science laboratory, the design technology and cookery suite as well as a dedicated ICT suite.
Abbey Park prides itself on excellent pastoral care where all staff work closely with parents / carers in ensuring all children are ready and happy to learn. The school encourages parents / carers to discuss their children’s needs whenever needed.
I am really proud of our schools and the care our children receive; I am very happy to show any prospective families around our site – please do get in touch.
Rebecca Scully
At the end of the last academic year, Abbey Park First School were awarded the Silver School Games Mark. The School Games Mark is an awards scheme that is led by the government and is designed to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school. Participating in the annual School Games Mark allows schools to evaluate their PE provision and develop an action plan for future progress. Our provision was seen worthy of the Silver award and the next academic year we shall be striving for Gold! This was a team effort and the children should be very proud of this achievement and their dedication to Physical Education within school and also at a competitive level.
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View allParental Letter Please Read - Returning to School Sept 2024. Welcome Back
We are delighted to announce that Abbey Park First School have achieved the School Games GOLD Mark Award.
Parents, please do not bring cars onto the school drive Thursday 4th July; the first school will be used as a polling station from 7am to 10pm. Please take care when walking along the school drive.
Election Day Thursday 4th July:Parents, please do not bring cars onto the school drive Thursday 4th July; the first school will be used as a polling station from 7am to 10pm. Please take care when walking along the school drive.
Latest events
View allInternet safety talk for parents and carers which everyone is asked to attend. We will offer free refreshments and cake as well as free child care. It is important that parents attend this information session.
September 16th, 2024