Abbey Park Schools Federation

Squirrels (Nursery)

Abbey Park Schools Federation > Class Pages > Squirrels (Nursery)

Our Amazing Work!

Enjoying music sessions!

Fun in the sun! 🌞

Stay and Play! 😍

People who help us : builders and vets! 😍

Pond dipping fun! 😍

2D shape hunt! 

We have been bouncing and catching a ball in P.E. We imagined our ball was a grasshopper! We caught the ball with two hands at the magic moment. We held onto our grasshopper with both hands so that it didn’t jump away! 

The children were very excited to go on a bug hunt this week! They looked carefully on leaves, on bark and under logs and stones. We found ants, worms, snails, woodlouse, snails and millipedes! 

The children had so much fun at our Stay and Play! 😍

The children have been learning how to stop a rolling ball with their feet or hands in P.E. They have also enjoyed taking turns rolling the ball to each other.

The children have been learning about the Muslim festival of Ramadan and Eid. They especially enjoyed building mosques with 3D wooden shapes and decorating crescent moon mobiles. 🌙

Two vets came to visit us in Nursery! We learnt how they look after poorly animals. We tried on their uniform and we bandaged our teddy animals. 

Dinosaur fun! 🌋

Mother’s Day Stay and Play 💖

We’ve had such a fun week! An ambulance and an air ambulance came to our school! We enjoyed learning all about how they help people. We also sat in the seats of the ambulance and tried on the paramedics uniform. We heard the loud ambulance siren too!

We have been learning about light and dark. We had lots of fun playing with the torches. We found dark places to shine our torches and had a torch disco! 

The children have had fun making ABAB colour patterns! 

Having fun at our Chinese New Year Stay and Play! 🐲

The children have enjoyed being space explorers! Stepping over the hurdles to the dark side of the moon, jumping over hoops from one planet to the next and leaping like an astronaut through space!

This week we have been learning about the polar regions. We have investigated ice and rescued polar bears who got stuck in the ice! We’ve also used our fine motor skills to line up little penguins and sometimes we’ve made colour patterns with the penguins.

The children have been learning all about Winter. They have been writing the letter ‘s’ in talcum powder ‘snow,’ practising their pencil control drawing snow men and painting ice cubes with winter colours. ☃️

Our Christmas Stay and Play🎅😍

We have enjoyed sharing Christmas stories, weighing presents for Santa and making delicious ginger bread biscuits!

We had a wonderful time on our trip to see Santa! The children each had a cuddly teddy from Santa, they played on the rides and the trampolines, they posted a class letter to Santa and they went on a reindeer hunt!

Playing together and sharing in Nursery.