Homework Review
Homework Review – Parent Voice September 2018
Thank you all for completing the homework questionnaire.
We have now had a chance to collate the results, the analysis of these are available below. Please take a moment to review the results which we have broken down to the individual schools and year groups.
Claire Mitchell, Libby Pringle and myself are formally reviewing the findings and will share a proposed homework plan with you very soon.
Apologies this has taken me longer than I had hoped.
Rebecca Scully
Similar comments from parents / carers across the Federation:
- Variety of tasks are wanted for homework
- Parents would appreciate plenty of notice between days set and days due in
- Parents want homework to be relevant and not time fillers
- Parents feel homework should be marked or acknowledged
- Parents like research based homework
- Parents would like a homework club to be offered
- Parents would like consistent expectations
- Parents would value clear instructions to aid parents in supporting their children with homework
- Parents would like regular but short pieces of homework to promote good habits
General Findings (First School)
- The majority of parents feel homework is important (79%).
- The majority of parents feel the amount of homework given each week is about right (60%) but others feel there is too much and some feel not enough. In some of the comments a few parents were really keen for there to be no homework whereas some really wanted more homework.
- Most parents find the level of homework to be about right (80%).
- Parents reported that a range of homework subjects and a range of tasks are most beneficial.
- Approximately half of parents felt that homework didn’t clash with other things but 34% felt homework sometimes clashed with other things and 20% felt it did.
General Findings (Middle School)
- The majority of parents feel homework is important (73%).
- There was a real range of opinion when it came to the amount of homework set. 40% of parents feel it is about right, 16% feel there is too much and 29% feel there is not enough.
- Most parents find the level of homework to be about right (82%).
- Parents reported that a range of homework subjects and a range of tasks are most beneficial.
- Again there were split opinions when parents were asked if homework clashes with other things with approximately one third of parents saying it does, one third saying it sometimes does and one third saying it doesn’t.