Badgers (Year 4)
Our Amazing Work!
Lumi Nova: Help your child build confidence and self manage worries with a fun mobile game.

Year 4 took part in a ‘bush tucker trial’ as part of their hook activity to their topic – I’m a Year 4, get me out of here!
By the look on their faces, they were surprised with what were hidden in the boxes!

Welcome back to school and to an exciting new term in Year 4!
Our topic this term is “I’m a Year 4, Get Me Out of Here,” where we’ll explore rainforests, including their habitats, climate, and deforestation. Towards the end of the term, we have an exciting visit planned from some fascinating creatures!
Year 4 have been studying changing states in science, learning about solids, liquids and gases. They undertook an experiment in the science lab to compare the melting of an ice cube in both warm and cold water, measuring the change in temperatures.

The dragon egg has hatched and a dragon has escaped! Will Year 4 manage to capture it?
Year 4 received a mysterious parcel and inside was a dragon egg from the Viking era. They have been asked to look after it and each day they have noticed small cracks appearing. I wonder if it will hatch …

Welcome back, Year 4! 🌟 We’re so excited to kick off another fantastic school year with all of you. This year, Miss Stavert and Mrs. Middlecote will be guiding you through your learning adventures. They can’t wait to get started and help you discover new things. Here’s to a great year ahead, full of fun and learning!
Year 4 have been recording their own podcasts. Check this podcast out!
In DT, Year 4 have been busy designing, making and evaluating phone cases.

Boogie Bounce!

In DT, we made a pesto pasta dish and learnt all about different herbs.

Year 4 took part in a virtual workshop all about the Amazon rainforest.

This week Year 4 had a taster session and tried playing the cello.

A Great Kenning
By Louca
Year 4 has been learning how to explore the internet safely. They have created a PowerPoint to explain how to be safe online. Here is an example of what a pupil in Year 4 had to say.

In Art, children have been observing closely and carefully when sketching. They have explored tone and line and are very proud of the outcome!

Year 4 has been writing some instructions on how to train a dragon. Here is an excellent example, written by Emily Cameron-Waller.

Early this week, Year 4 had an unusual delivery – a dragon egg! They have been observing any movements or cracks. One crack has started to appear…

Hello, Year 4 and welcome back. We hope you have had a wonderful summer holiday. We are going to have a fantastic year together, learning and finding out lots of new things. Working in the Year 4 team this year will be Miss Stavert, Mrs Hollis, Mrs Martin, Mrs Carr and Mr Perry. We can’t wait to get to know you all and begin our time together.
Hello, Year 4.
I am really looking forward to teaching you all this year in our science lab!
We will be learning about Safety in the Laboratory, Living things, Animals, and Sound. Electricity, States of Matter and you will be developing your practical skills and carrying out lots of fun scientific investigations! We will also be taking our learning outdoors and learning about all the animals and plants around us. I am looking forward to getting to know you all. Mrs Griffiths.