Mental Health and Well-Being Week – February 2023
During the week we revisited things we had learnt last year about how to keep our minds healthy. We talked about ways that we can look after ourselves and why this helps us to feel happy and ready to learn. Throughout the week we explored different types of mindfulness and ways to show gratitude. Then on the Friday morning we had a carousal of activities which were fun and relaxing.
Here are some pictures taken during the week
Pre-School enjoyed doing some cosmic yoga and active games.
The activities on the carousal morning included painting, sketching, dodge ball, learning playground games and making some fidget toys. Everybody got to do each activity.
Mindful and Gratitude practises throughout the week for Year 4
Year 4 used the book ‘The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse’ by Charlie Makesy as part of their well-being week.
“So much beauty we need to look after,” said the Mole. Thought of things around us that are beautiful in our natural environment. Miss Stavert shared a photo of the sun setting.
“We often wait for kindness … but being kind to yourself can start now,” said the Mole. We had some choosing time, so were kind to ourselves.
Pupil Voice
“The well-being morning has put me on the green zone.” Keelyrose
“I enjoyed being kind to myself by choosing to play dominoes.” Jack
“ Dodge ball and making stress toys were fun.” Ted
“It was a really great well-being morning.” Oliver
We have put up a display in school so everyone can see the lovely photographs taken during the week.
We really value doing mindfulness and gratitude type activities and do them on a regular basis. We understand the benefits you can gain and how it helps to promote well-being.
Throughout the week we also referred to our Zones of Regulation that we have been using in school for over a year now. All of the children in school can use the vocabulary involved with the zones and have learnt tools to help to self-regulate.